My New Favorite Verse

"The Lord will save me, and we will play music on stringed instruments all the days of our lives, at the house of the Lord."
Above is a picture of me playing the newest addition to my "herd" - a surprise anniversary present from my wife. It was purchased at Gruhn's Guitar Shop in Nashville, TN. It is a Martin SWDGT, which translates, "Sustainable Wood Dreadnaught Gloss Top." It's for flat-picking and bluegrass, and playing offertories in church. What makes this guitar special is that it is made of recovered spruce (top) and cherry back and sides. No tropical rainforest trees (e.g., mahogany or rosewood) were used. It sounds amazing, which it should, as it is a Martin, the only guitars I buy (I have three others: a small body OM-28V, a 12-string, and a "Little Martin" for travel).

A wall of Martins at Gruhn's Guitar Shop - a little slice of heaven on earth.

A wall of Martins at Gruhn's Guitar Shop - a little slice of heaven on earth.
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