Saturday, November 19, 2005

Gutenberg in the Header

My sincerest thanks must go out to my friend, the very Rev. Scott Nichols, he of Random Responses, who redid the header above. Since I am technologically challenged, the help was both needed and appreciated. I told him what I wanted, and behold, it magically appeared. I especially like the Gutenberg Bible page on the left. What a fascinating thing is the Gutenberg! It represents a watershed in the history of humanity, and yet it was printed to look as if it were a handwritten, illuminated manuscript. It represents humanity looking forward to modernity, and yet unwilling to let go of the familiar and comforting past. Which is an apt description for most of us, wouldn't you say?

A truly great website from the University of Texas at Austin contains digital images of every page of the Gutenberg Bible. It is another example of technology (something new) giving life to something old. Take a look, here's the link.


Blogger Unknown said...

I love the header. I think it fits the personality that comes across in the blog. I'll bet there's a qeue for Random.

5:52 AM  
Blogger Scribe said...

Thanks! He's a tech-savvy kind of guy. I get confused by anything more complicated than a pen.

9:41 AM  

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